Card Spelling Trick

Arrange the cards.

9d Js 5d As Kh Kc 7h 2s 6c Qs
Tc Ac 3d 3s 8d Ks 8h 7d 4s 2c
Ah Ad 7c 5S 9h 2h Jc 6s Qd 6d
Th 3c 3h 7s 4d 2d 8c Jh 4h 8s
Jd 4c Qc Kd 9s 5H Td Qh Ts 9c
6h 5c

9d is the top-back card. 5c is the bottom-facing card.

Spell ACE then show the next card, As.
Spell TWO then show the next card, 2s.
Spell THREE then show the next card, 3s.
...and so on...
...until the last card is displayed...