Calculator Math Trick

Continuous multiply single digit numbers.
Magician asks for audience's calculator. He key-in 6*3*any number from the audience* then hand-over the calculator to the audience. The audience is asked to continue multiplying number until the total answer is a 7-digit number.
Audience is asked to cover a digit number, except zero, from the total answer and that is his secret number. He tell all the remaining numbers to the magician. The magician "guest" the secret number.
Secret: The sum of the digits of "The product of number multiply by 9" is always divisible by nine.

Location Location Location

Arrange the bottom card containing the Ace, Two, Three, until King all of the same suit (say all are hearts).
Let the audience select a card then place it at the top. Let him cut. If there is an additional audience, let him cut, too.
The final cut is yours. On your cut, any heart should show at the bottom. The number of that heart is the location of the audience selected card.

Card Spelling Trick

Arrange the cards.

9d Js 5d As Kh Kc 7h 2s 6c Qs
Tc Ac 3d 3s 8d Ks 8h 7d 4s 2c
Ah Ad 7c 5S 9h 2h Jc 6s Qd 6d
Th 3c 3h 7s 4d 2d 8c Jh 4h 8s
Jd 4c Qc Kd 9s 5H Td Qh Ts 9c
6h 5c

9d is the top-back card. 5c is the bottom-facing card.

Spell ACE then show the next card, As.
Spell TWO then show the next card, 2s.
Spell THREE then show the next card, 3s.
...and so on...
...until the last card is displayed...

Culture and Religion

Aesthetics - A philosophy about arts, beauty, and taste.

Lesson 3: Commercial Definition of Beauty

To promote their own product, people's ignorant of beauty can be exploited by conditioning their brain to think of something or a product to be beautiful.

Lesson 2: Difficult Performances

In sport, write down sports competitions were it is judged by level of difficulties.

Example: gymnastics.

Lesson 1: Nature's Definition

1. Symmetry is one element of beauty. We look at the human face, human body, leaves, water drops, etc and we define symmetry as an element of beauty.


1. Student may write down natural things around them that are symmetrical.
2. Using their own definition of beauty, sort them according to their own perception of beauty.

2. Proportion is another element of natural beauty. Waves, trees and its leaves, spirals on shells, etc. Fractals, Fibonacci Series and the Golden Ratio are just few mathematical measurement for beauty.

1. Student may write down a list of those that may be related with fractals, Fibonacci series and golden ratio.